
EB Lab or Employer Branding Laboratory, is the freshest and newest project powered by Catalyst Solutions, that wants to upscale your professional skills by certifying you as an Employer Branding expert who can face the current challenges of the Romanian labor market. 

Stay tuned for news regarding EB Lab 2025! 




Days of Learning


Years of expertise from our speakers

Reasons to attend? What makes our project different from others:

  • Comprehensive Certification Program: Become a certified Employer Branding expert equipped to tackle the evolving challenges of the Romanian labor market. 
  • Immersive Learning Experience: Includes two full days of offline, hands-on training to experiment, analyze, and build employer branding strategies. 
  • Practical Focus: Emphasis on practical applications, case studies, homework and feedback sessions. 
  • Strategic Insights: Learn the importance of employer branding in achieving organizational goals and engaging top management for support. 
  • Expert Guidance: Step-by-step approach to designing, sketching, and implementing impactful employer branding strategies. 

What’s in the package?

  • 2 full days of offline training (location will be communicated later) 
  • 1-2-1 online feedback session on your EB strategy 
  • 1 standard ticket to EBcon 2025/2026 (140 EUR)

Participant Profile

HR professionals with experience in Recruitment and Talent Acquisition, Internal Communication or Marketing, who are working or will be working on ​​employer branding projects. 

As seen on

Revista Cariere

EBcon, prima conferinţă internaţională de Employer Branding din România, a avut loc pe 13-14 mai, în București, la Nord Events Center by Globalworth. Timp de două zile, participanții au avut acces la un conținut valoros oferit de 15 speakeri internaţionali şi locali, masterclass-uri și sesiuni de keynotes. Rezultatele studiului Cei mai doriţi angajatori din România în 2024 au fost anunțate în premieră, în cadrul EBcon, unde a avea loc și gala Most Desired Employers.

Smark – IQads

Peste 15 speakeri internaţionali şi locali la EBcon. Cea mai mare conferinţă internaţională de Employer Branding din România. Participanții vor lua parte la o experiență de învățare completă alături de peste 15 speakeri internaţionali şi locali, masterclass-uri și sesiuni de keynotes. Rezultatele studiului Cei mai doriţi angajatori din România în 2024 vor fi comunicate în premieră, în cadrul EBcon, unde se va desfășura și gala Most Desired Employers.

Partners from the last edition

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