September 15th, 2017 We discovered career pages are very popular tools among jobseekers, but to be effective, they should tell your company story and inspire future employees. We’ve collected [...]
February 13th, 2020 You probably heard about our exceptional project that we organize each year – Top Talents Romania and now we are preparing for the 13th edition, this time online. Top Talents [...]
August 10th, 2017 Choosing the right KPIs will help you have a 360-degree image of your employer branding strategy and improve it from one period to another. You will find some inspiration in the [...]
17 Iulie 2017 Am lansat rezultatele studiului Cei mai doriti angajatori, care s-a desfasurat in perioada martie – mai a acestui an. Studiul Cei mai doriti angajatori confirma interesul [...]
October, 2019 You have spent days and, maybe sometimes weeks researching, analyzing, planning, finding the resources and gaining support from your organisation. Finally you get to create a [...]
Updated October, 2019 What is Employer Branding? On the local market, the employer branding practice is a rather new concept for the HR community. Therefore, there are still a lot of questions [...]
April 28th, 2017 Most of the companies are using job portals in order to keep candidates up-to-date with the latest opportunities and opened positions. This type of communication channel converts [...]
Last edited: October, 2019 In 13+ years of experience in large scale events architecture we’ve focused our attention on creating the greatest IT Conferences in Romania, where the IT professionals [...]
15 Martie 2017 „Candidatii nostri sunt online”, „participarea la targuri de joburi este scumpa”, „avem vizibilitate online pentru brandul nostru de angajator”, am auzit adesea din partea [...]
May 5th, 2017 By living in an era conquered by digitalization, we tend to focus more on the online medium and have misconceptions about using printed publications as an advertising channel. [...]